ISO 20022: Optimizing financial transactions with a global standard

SVB is supporting the transition to the new ISO 20022 messaging standard as part of our ongoing commitment to the innovation economy.

ISO 20022 hero

Standardization and rich data for payments and beyond

ISO 20022 is a new global standard using MX (XML-based) messaging to deliver more consistent and complete information for all types of financial transactions enabling greater speed, efficiency and data-rich reporting.
The banking industry is adopting the new standard in phases, and SVB will help clients through each step.

Support for SVB banking partners

SVB will support ISO 20022 messaging for banking partners, fund administrators and other partner entities via SWIFT.

Key industry benefits of ISO 20022

As ISO 20022 becomes widely adopted globally, companies can have greater opportunities to benefit from the increased consistency and detailed data for transactions.
Faster payments
  • Help improve cash flow and vendor relationships with straight-through processing (STP).
  • Gain more accurate visibility into liquidity for managing growth.
  • Rapidly identify sanctioned transactions to improve compliance.
Data-rich insights
  • Leverage enhanced data to automate compliance reporting, know-your-customer (KYC) protocols and fraud detection.
  • Capture insights to better understand your customers and help improve CRM, segment marketing and more.
  • Improve decisions for spend management and forecasting.

What ISO 20022 means for SVB clients

You can continue to access the SVB payment channels you use today, and may experience some changes as we migrate to ISO 20022. If you use any or all of the services below, we’ll provide support to help you get the most benefit from the new industry global data standard for financial transactions and reporting.
You’ll have more options to add new data fields that can help you streamline reconciliation and enhance reporting, although you will see little to no changes for daily use. Starting in the third quarter of 2025, you will also have the opportunity to add an end-to-end ID to improve tracking of payments.
SWIFT for Corporates
SVB will be ready to support new MX message formats while continuing to support legacy MT formats. If you use SWIFT for Corporates and will need to update from MT formats to ISO 20022 standards, we will proactively notify you with technical specs and ample time to provide support for required changes.
Transact Gateway (TAG)

If you use TAG with embedded payment solutions, we will help you migrate your file formats to be ISO 20022 compliant. SVB will proactively reach out with ample time to make required changes.

If you use non-embedded payment solutions, we will contact you in mid-2025 to help you prepare, although required changes aren’t due until 2026.

API Banking

If you use API Banking to originate wire transfers, we will notify you of any required changes and help ensure you will be able to take advantage of enriched reporting.

In 2025, Fedwire® and domestic wires will be enhanced to enable you to seamlessly add new data fields, including: Purpose Code, Related Remittance, Ultimate Debtor (for OBO) and end-to-end ID.

Ensuring a smooth transition to ISO 20022

Migration Timeline and Support

We’ll work closely with you and share more details in advance of any changes.
Multi-year effort
Since March 2023, SVB has been supporting both ISO 20022 MX (XML-based) and legacy message formats. We will be implementing changes into 2025 as the financial industry fully migrates to the new standard.
Dedicated client support
If your organization will be affected by the change to ISO 20022, SVB specialists who know your business will support every stage of your transition. You will receive timely communications to keep you informed, help you prepare for changes and understand what you need to do.
March 2023
SVB began supporting ISO 20022 for domestic and cross-border payments.
April 2024
CHIPS wire transfers migrated to ISO 20022.
July 2025
Fedwire FAIM message format will be discontinued and replaced with ISO 20022 MX messages.
November 2025
SWIFT MT payment message formats will be discontinued and replaced with ISO 20022 MX messages.

Learn more about ISO 20022

Contact your relationship management team with questions about ISO 20022. If you are an SVB client who will need to take action, your relationship team will be reaching out to you.

SWIFT ISO Standards

Frequently asked questions

What is ISO 20022?

ISO 20022 is a new global standard of financial messaging to deliver more consistent and complete information for all types of financial transactions enabling greater speed, efficiency, and data-rich reporting.

Prominent networks and systems are in the process of adopting or plan to adopt ISO 20022.

Learn more about migration support

Which financial transactions will be using the ISO 20022 standard?

By the end of 2025, the majority of payment methods around the world will be using ISO 20022. Payment types will include domestic wires via Fedwire, cross-border payments (FX and same currency payments), Real-Time Payments (RTP®), FedNow®, CHIPS, SEPA, CHAPS and more.

How will ISO 20022 benefit my company?

By standardizing the message format for all financial transactions and including more complete data, ISO 20022 enables many benefits. Payments can process faster, leverage more automation for increased efficiency and accuracy, and you can use data-rich insights to help improve business decisions.

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How will I know if my organization will be affected by ISO 20022 migration?

Depending on your payment use cases, you may need to update your processes. For example, if you use our TAG platform with an embedded payments solution, you will need to implement changes to be ISO 20022 compliant.
If you will be affected and need to make changes, we will contact you in advance and provide the information and support you need to ensure a smooth transition to ISO 20022.

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What do we need to do to prepare for ISO 20022?

If you will be affected and need to update your processes, we will contact you in advance and provide the information and support you need to successfully migrate to ISO 20022.

Learn more